Design Tribe Podcast

Living Coral Whhaaa? Find out why Pantone chose Living Coral as the 2019 Color of the Year with special guest Erica Ilene



1 | LIVING CORAL EXPLAINED Unlike what many many initially think, no crystal balls are in use when Pantone selects the color of the year! They collect color information from street trends, fashion, retail, the runway, social media, and travel. Pantone carefully researches cultural shifts, political dynamics, and takes historical events into account. Groundbreaking stuff, huh? Vibrant yet mellow, Pantone describes Living Coral as “An animating and life-affirming coral hue with a golden undertone that energizes and enlivens with a softer edge.” It is a color that is warm and nourishing. “[Living Coral provides] comfort and buoyancy in our continually shifting environment.” Part of the reason they chose it is for its sociable and spirited qualities. It symbolizes optimism, the pursuit of joyful ventures, and encourages light-hearted activity. Pantone’s color choice in Living Coral directly relates to the “onslaught of digital technology and social media increasingly embedding into daily life…” This seems to