12 Minute Convos W/ Engel Jones

Joe Nicassio helps build your dream business on solid fundamentals /Ep2652



Joe Nicassio-  I'm Joe Nicassio, and I've committed over TWO DECADES to uncovering the truth about what REALLY works in business. If you become my client, I will share those secrets with you. What if EVERYTHING you TRULY want is closer than you think? Are you just trying to make money, or are you trying to improve the world? What I found is after 1,000’s & 1,000’s of hours coaching, with over 600 business owners in 125 different industries, I've come to realize everyone has their own unique goals and purpose they want to achieve in business, they just need the right coach to help get them there. My Goal is “Youre the expert at your business, I'm the expert at solving your marketing puzzle”, to capitalize on your talents; so your clients know you are NOT just a good choice... You are the ONLY choice! You don’t need to sort through the "Garbage" business advice, and "Go directly for the gold." Website: EmployeeEscapePlan.com Listen to another #12minconvo