Collected Comics Library

CCL #489 - Live Eisner Hall Of Fame Voting



Chris and Andy pick their favorites for the 2019 Eisner Hall Of Fame and Chris casts his ballot live on the podcast. Who does he vote for? You’ll have to listen to find out. Also on the show: Black Hammer Hoopla/TPB/Library Edition banter; George Pérez announces his retirement and the guys have a few funny stories on run-ins with him; a complete rundown and current prices for DC’s artist and writer-centric hardcover books Legends of the Dark Knight and Tales of the Batman - find out which ones are going for over $100 and speculation on which will get rise in price next; finally IDW/LOAC has announced LOAC Essentials, Vol. 13: Charlie Chan, will there be any backlash due to racism in these 1938 comic strips similar to that of Shazam: The Monster Society of Evil?