Elite Expert Insider

Monetize Your Podcast With Jay Wong



Melanie Johnson & Jenn Foster, owners of Elite Online Publishing, interview Jay Wong about how to start a podcast and how to get your show to the top 100 on iTunes. Jay Wong is CEO of Podcast Your Brand; a marketing company that builds podcasts that generate hundreds of thousands of dollars for their clients. Their market is very fast-growing, and Podcast Your Brand is uniquely positioned to disrupt the entire industry with its unique approach to generating guaranteed ROI for their clients. They’ve worked with household names like Procter and Gamble. And also smaller emerging brands as well as thought leaders and knowledge experts to help rapidly accelerate growth in their category.  His agency has been working with franchise companies listed on the Inc 5000 to increase their retention rates of new operators by a minimum of 15%+ as well as increasing their annual sales by an average of 21% Learn more about him and his company Top 100 Buyers Training