Rotor Wash

"Go around"- Orienting Others For Success



Today we are doing a “Go Around” and revisiting one of our earliest podcasts. We plan to do this from time to time with content that is timely and worth highlighting. This interview with Fred Jeffries a clinical educator and flight paramedic with Boston Medflight is one of our favorite interviews we have ever done. Fred discusses key components for orientation and continuing education as it relates to flight crew personnel. Fred brings an extensive background to the table when it comes to clinical education and has a true passion for it and we are thrilled to have been able to interview him about this always important topic.     FAST TEAM Video  If you need someone to talk to, call 1-833-AIR-FAST.   CME Collective     Rotor Wash logo designed in conjunction with ECHO member Bud Lavin photo submission. Podcast Logo designed by ECHO HeliOps Marketing Director Joe Zarek Music provided by