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102 Adventures in Astronomy | Emily Levesque



Astronomy sounds like an awesome career choice — spend your nights sitting under the stars with a massive telescope finding new astronomical objects in the sky. But that's only the half of it, there's so much more...   In this episode I'm joined by Emily Levesque, astronomer and author of the book, The Last Stargazers: The Enduring Story of Astronomy's Vanishing Explorers.   Emily shares how astronomers in this scrappy and evolving field are going beyond the machines to infuse creativity and passion into the stars and space and inspires us all to peer skyward in pursuit of the universe's secrets.   Tune in to learn… -What an astronomers sees when they look though a telescope, -What it's like to work at observatories in extremely remote areas, -How easy it is to ruin a night of observing, -What astronomers do most of the time (it's not looking through telescopes), -About the guy who shot a telescope, -About the telescope mounted in the back of a modified 747 plane, -& so much more!   Grab your copy of The