Funny Messy Life

The World Of Wally - 055



   Human kind is a veritable cornucopia of diverse personalities. To observe the Homo Sapien in its natural habitat, is to be immersed into an environment unlike any other, where subculture, after subculture, is represented with pride, and more often than not, stupidity. There is no better environment to witness the state of the human condition than a Walmart, and today the natives are restless.    I’m Michael Attenborough, and this is a special presentation from Atomic Red Studios of Funny Messy Life.    This is The World of Wally - A Mockumentary _________________________      As we arrive into the parking lot of a local Walmart, we are met immediately with what seems to be a representation of every kind of human, many of them beaming from ear to ear, as they carry large purchases back along the trails toward home. There are televisions and hoverboards, and video gaming systems, and more televisions. I approach one of the humans cautiously. It appears to be a male, and he’s stepping proudly as he pushes a t