Maharajas of Scale

Episode 37: Raghu Bharat of CrewScale - Doing the impossible of scaling an elite FREELANCER platform



Raghu was a network engineer working for a telecommunications networking firm. Network engineering can be exciting and yet boring at the same time depending upon which part of the industry you worked in. It was in this boring industry that Raghu had an epiphany to start a consumer oriented business and thus the business of home improvement was born. However, he soon left it for a lucrative career in freelancing making over US$200K in a single year and ended up traveling to more than 30 countries in that time while working as a freelancer. That is when he hit upon the idea of freeing blue blooded professionals to experience the same rewarding path he had taken thru CrewScale. But the path was anything but straight. How did he scale CrewScale to more than 60K freelancers around the world? It's all in here.