Exponential Etfs Exceptional Podcast

Linda Zhang - Where Quant and ESG Collide (EP.35)



Linda introduces the new initiative from Women in ETFs: the Speaker’s Bureau program which connects conference organizers and media bookers with female leaders in the industry. Linda then shares her journey which began in China and continued in Canada and the US and ultimately had personal experiences that led her to focus on environmental issues and founding Purview. Linda makes the case that ESG as an investment factor can lead to portfolio outperformance and discusses Purview’s framework for evaluating investments. Phil and Linda then discuss Chinese Hot Pot and where to find authentic Chinese food, and then discuss a number of macro issues facing China, including the trade war and sovereign debt. Linda then shares some context about how and why she helped to start Women in ETFs and the organization’s mission. To learn more about the Women in ETFs Speaker Bureau program please email Elizabeth Kashner atekashner@factset.com or Linda at linda.zhang@purvewinvestments.com.