Fail To Learn: Teaching Stories From Business, Sales, Marketing, Coaching, Blogging, Freelance, & Entrepreneurs.

FtL 34: David Marquet Shares Surprising Leadership Secrets: Create Instant Results While Establishing A Long-Term Legacy



Captain David Marquet is the author of Turn The Ship Around. The book documents his time leading the nuclear submarine, the USS Santa Fe. From among all the books I’ve read on leadership, Turn The Ship Around is one I remember and consistently think about when working with my team. The prescription he outlines is a very simple model empowering everyone to produce the best possible outcome. I decided to pick David's brain about the struggles he faced and how he came about the strategies listed in his book. Here’s what David and I discuss: How the top down, leader-follower model is not the most efficient way to run a team. Why we’re wired to create a leader-follower hierarchy. What happened when David took control of the Santa Fe, a submarine he wasn’t trained to run, didn’t know all the details about, and a ship with the worst performance in the US Navy’s fleet. Why he originally walked in with the mindset that he needs to give all the orders and know all the answers… but he didn’t. Why waiting for orders is