Hull On Estates

Episode 51 - The Trustee's Power to Encroach on Capital



During Hull on Estates Episode #51, Ian Hull and Suzana Popovic-Montag discuss the circumstances surrounding a trustee's power to encroach on capital. Ian and Suzana cover various principles which affect the power to encroach including the Armchair rule of construction, the Evenhand approach and the concept of malefides. They also touch on various cases including the U.K. case of Gisbourne v. Gisbourne, and Fox v. Fox Estate (1994), 5 E.T.R. (2d) 174 (Ont.Ct. (Gem Div.)) For more information on the power to encroach, see Ian's article in Estates, Trusts & Pensions Journal, "Discretion to Encroach: Do the Beneficiary's Personal Resources Matter?"