The Chase Jarvis Live Show

Raising Rates & How to Create Your Niche



There are two things that I love sharing more than anything else. Margaritas and answers to your creative questions. I couldn’t figure out how to get margaritas into your ears this week, but we’ve got some fantastic questions from The Daily Creative (my YouTube show where I answer YOUR questions about the challenges you’re facing on your journey to become an aspiring or professional creative) and some of my favorite answers from the show. In this episode: Eric worked on a project with a bit of scope creep - which he completed, but thinks he under priced. Now a new project is coming down the pipeline and he's wondering how can he raise his rates with the same client. Kelley's main gig is working as a designer, but he's most passionate about music and would love to find some audio engineering work. He's wondering how can he combine both. Enjoy! Today's episode is brought to you by CreativeLive. CreativeLive is the world's largest hub for online creative education in photo/video, art/design, music/audi