The Chase Jarvis Live Show

The Introvert Advantage with Beth Comstock



Even though I’m an extrovert, I have a feeling the future favors the introvert. Beth Comstock was at the CreativeLive studios in Seattle and I could not help but snag her for a quick moment to pick her brain on one of the most popular topics on my channel — navigating an extroverted world as an introvert. As a self-described introvert, Beth knows what it’s like to find elevate your strengths and have the courage to defend your creative ideas. Beth was named one of the most powerful women in business. After leaving a 27 year career at GE as their Chief Marketing Officer and Vice Chair, she decided to got a completely different direction to focus on new areas such as writing, art, exploration, and discovery. In this episode, Beth shares her advice to embrace your nature, and bring those strengths to any client, team, or situation. Enjoy! Today's episode is brought to you by CreativeLive. CreativeLive is the world's largest hub for online creative education in photo/video, art/design, music/audio, craft/maker an