The Chase Jarvis Live Show

The Quest for Personal Style (with pal Alex Strohl)



One of the most common questions I get is about how to stand out + how to develop personal style. So when fellow photographer Alex Strohl stopped by the studio, I wanted to get his take on this ever-popular question. If you’re not familiar with Alex’s work, a quick spin on instagram will fill in the blanks. He’s a photographer that tells stories through pictures and film. And when you see his work, there is a distinct thumbprint on it. Developing a personal style is critical. It’s the reason why someone would seek you out vs someone else. It’s the thing that differentiates your work from everyone else. There’s a thousand ways to develop your personal style. In our conversation, Alex shares some of his insights he’s gained along the way. Though each of us may take a different path to get there, there is one constant, and that’s doing a lot of work. So take a listen and then get back to work. :) Enjoy! Today's episode is brought to you by CreativeLive. CreativeLive is the world's largest hub for online creati