The Chase Jarvis Live Show

Say Yes, Figure It Out Later. Starting from the Start with Tyler Babin



“It’s impossible to move forward while staying the same”. That’s what motivated Tyler Babin, a 25 year old up & coming filmmaker, who hustled his way into his dream job only to leave it to pursue the riskier thing, an even bigger bet - on himself.   I’ve had literally hundreds of requests over the years to have someone on the show who isn’t Richard Branson or Brene Brown or {fill in the blank star}…ie. host someone who hasn't "made it big" and is, instead, on the come-up themselves…someone from within our very own community who has been listening for years, connecting dots, gleaning knowledge and is now taking major action on that.  Well THIS is Tyler’s story.   If you’ve  followed my pal Gary Vaynerchuk, it’s likely you’ve actually seen some of Tyler’s work. For the last 3-4 years, he’s been a whirlwind tour traveling the world with Gary, shooting photo + video, creative directing projects at Vayner… and it all started right here on this show nearly 8 years ago.  This episode goes full circle, friends.