The Chase Jarvis Live Show

Personal + Career Reinvention with Jasmine Star



Can you believe this show has been running for 10 YEARS! Today’s guest was one of my earliest guests, and long time friend, Jasmine Star. Jasmine is a photographer, business strategist and founder of Social Curator. If you're an OG listener, you'll hear some behind the scenes stories of some our collaborations, including the internet’s first ever LIVE wedding (where Jasmine taught CreativeLive’s first wedding photo class - attended by 150,000 students!) More important than reminiscing, though, we go deep on finding your voice, adopting children, homemade tortillas, dropping out and reinventing yourself in an entirely new career. Jasmine's journey is one that many creatives can identify with, from facing difficult times, how she found her feet and her personal process of transitioning from one career to another. She articulates how to make that transition and gives us very practical advice that will add heaps of value to you. We also talk about... instagram strategy - she’s a master - and you shoul