The Chase Jarvis Live Show

Harnessing Your Human Nature for Success with Robert Greene



Today we welcome back on the show the 6x international bestselling author, Robert Greene.  Robert has had huge impact in my life with books like Mastery, 48 Laws of Power, and the 33 Strategies of War.  And in this episode we go deep on his newest book - and my new favorite -The Laws of Human Nature, a brilliant consolidation of the various theories on human nature - how to better understand them and use them to grow.   We dive deep into: You are a lot weirder than you think you are. WE ALL ARE in fact. We’re repressing so many sides of who we are - most often without even knowing it. We’re trying to stand out.  We’re trying to fit in. The stuff we repress and try to hide are like a stranger within us.  Knowing all this - and how to navigate it - gives us personal power. It it possible to harness our "dark side" for increased creativity, wisdom, strength and character? Robert argues that, not only is it something worth tapping into, it’s THE source of power missing in your life. Robert’s recent near-death ex