The Chase Jarvis Live Show

Addiction, Reinvention, and Finding Ultra with Endurance Athlete Rich Roll



Rich Roll is a New York Times best selling author, endurance athlete, parent and beautiful human being. He first came across my radar a few years ago when he completed FIVE Iron Mans in five consecutive days. That’s a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, finished off with a marathon in one day — TIMES 5 DAYS!!     On the show, we dive into reinvention, overcoming addiction and depression, explore plant based diets, and his spiritual calling...   We also cover: After a decade of living what he though the “American dream of success” was, he found himself miserable and in a career that he pursued because he thought that’s what we should do. He shares his journey OUT OF THE MESS… and advice for pursuing what our hearts tell us.  We cover parenting and helping to develop agency in our kids and future generations - to leave the planet better off than we found it.  And, how embracing our weakness, our struggles, and our pain in life - just might be our strongest ally in living the life we were meant to live… This episode