The Chase Jarvis Live Show

Rainn Wilson on Creativity, Faith and Making Work that Matters



Rainn Wilson is best known for his legendary role as Dwight in TV’s award-winning show "The Office,” but he’s also a movie actor, a best selling author, the founder of media company SoulPancake, founder a non profit called Lidé Haiti, an amazing human….and a self-professed sci-fi and fantasy nerd!      In this episode Rainn takes us on journey through his early life and into his ideas on art and creativity, hard work, parenting and spirituality.  We spend some quality time around the lessons he learned trying to make it as an actor and the difficult years that preceded his breakthrough. And we also go deep into what inspires his work away from acting - his family, SoulPancake, and why he founded Lidé Haiti, a non-profit organization helping young women in Haiti via the power of creativity.    A few more hot topics: Rainn never earned more than $20,000 acting in the first 9 years of his career. His advice? Keep cost of living low, do side jobs, and …. tune in to check it out ;). We examine Rainn's personal ch