The Chase Jarvis Live Show

How to Build Real Confidence with Mel Robbins



Mel Robbins is the most booked female speaker in the world, an American on-air CNN commentator and television host, contributing editor for Success magazine and author of The 5-Second Rule. Her TED Talk around the 5-second Rule is a simple framework to turn inaction into action and has garnered over 10 million view. Mel has been on the show previously, and this week, I wanted to share a portion of a class she gave on CreativeLive on building self-confidence. Confidence is an important part of success and when those 3AM gremlins creep in, we all need a set of tools we can use to help give us the courage to put ourselves out there, and try something we’re not 100% sure about. Mel helps us unpack the what confidence is, how to build it, and gives us 5 habits that enable us keep us on track. What I love about Mel is not only is she insanely inspirational she is also super super actionable. I love to share her content when I can and today is a lesson on self confidence that we all need to hear. Enjoy! Today's epis