The Chase Jarvis Live Show

Creative Cockroaches, Standing Out + the Truth About Your Best Creative Work



A short while ago I had the great pleasure of taking the stage at the Seattle Interactive Conference with my dear friend and creative superstar Cal McAllister (Founder, Wexley School for Girls + Paper Crane Factory) for a very pointed conversation on inspiration, unlocking your best creative work, and how the eff to stand out in today’s noisy, crowded market. Hint: it’s not what you think.   IMHO this conversation oozes with value specifically because both Cal and I are: a) lifelong professional creators who care deeply about making this easier for people who want to be more creative; b) we both took very non-traditional paths to find our respective successes - so that path YOU’RE on won’t seem all that strange; and c) are both are transparent AF about exactly how we’d approach it today if we were doing it all over again… Oh, and the audience / Q&A is always a favorite of mine at any public appearance because so often we’re all struggling with the same things.   A sample of other topics we cover….  Why “