The Chase Jarvis Live Show

The Secret to Making Resolutions You Can Actually Keep



There's some crazy stat -- 80% of people fail to achieve their New Years resolutions. Yet here we are, back to reflecting on how the past year has gone and what we'd like to do different.  Honestly, I love this time of year. Reflection & pausing is a way to have stamina. It's a necessary part of learning from our past. After all, you can only connect the dots looking backwards. If we never lift our head, it’s easy to miss the signals that we might need to course correct. But change is hard. That's why I'm a firm believer in not just focusing on the goal, but the behaviors you will need to do or change to get there.  If you've been following me for awhile, you've heard me talk before about how I track 10 habits every day. In this episode, I take a deeper dive into those habits, and how I take stock in what went well, what didn't go so well, and what I need to change to achieve my new goals in 2018. In this episode: I share a series of simple questions I ask myself as I look back, including the obvious w