The Chase Jarvis Live Show

It Doesn’t Have to be Crazy at Work with Jason Fried



With so much information, and gadgets and access and hustle and email and …and.. aren’t you overloaded at work!? It’s understandable and it’s a real problem. If this describes you or someone you love…you’ll LOVE this episode of the show.   Enter: Jason Fried.  He’s the brilliant NYT best-selling author and co-founder of the software firm, Basecamp.  Since long before meeting Jason in person he’s always caught my eye as perhaps THE outspoken thinker / critic of the current status of work, our unhealthy habits around our jobs, and our addictions to busy-making. Whether it’s the toxic hustle, the grow-at-all-cost mentality, or the idea of working your fingers to the bone…Jason helps us all see why 99% of this approach is rubbish. And within 3 minutes of meeting him / listening to this episode, I’m banking you’ll be in agreement with him. The one refreshing difference with Jason?  He also gives us a roadmap to fix what we’ve broken. In this episode we talk about is latest book (co-authored with previous cjLIVE po