The Chase Jarvis Live Show

An Audience of ONE is All it Takes with Srinivas Rao



QUESTION:  What if you only made work that YOU loved, and you were certain that you would be paid top dollar if you did...Would you do it?  Of course! Most sane creators / entrepreneurs would jump at the opportunity - and such is the topic of Srinivas Rao’s new book: An Audience of One: Reclaiming Creativity For Its Own Sake.  The problem is, so many of us are watering down our work making it for someone else. In fact, the path to our best work is digging deeper into who you’re creating for and what happens when you create art for yourself. In this episode we also cover… "If you’re going to take the time to learn to use a tool, take the time to make something with that tool…"  This is a fascinating POV I’d never heard before, but it keeps us creators in the building mode vs the procrastinating mode.  How to take your art+career+future into your own hands…  Srini’s view is that we must put our focus and effort into the things that you can control. You can’t control follower count, you can’t control Facebook’s