The Chase Jarvis Live Show

You Must Do. Advice for New Grads + Anyone at a Crossroads



Meet Jordy, a 23 year old soccer player and student, who’s trying to find his way and figure out what to shoot for after college and how to get there. He’s optimistic, excited, and at a crossroads in his life. He’s just like I was at his age, and is probably just like you are now or have been in the past. In this raw, gritty, intimate, and windy 28 minute conversation we talk about what it takes to create success through chasing your dreams. We talk about the importance of checking in with yourself to make sure you’re still chasing what’s important to you. And we talk about the importance of taking action. Audio purists beware: This is recorded outside on Jordy's iPhone. There’s wind noise and it takes over at times, but ultimately we decided to release this because I’m interested in providing access to more personal, raw, deep authentic conversations like this.  In this episode:  * Having a variety of interests is great, but if you’re trying to build an audience, you need to narrow your focus of what you’re