The Chase Jarvis Live Show

Why You MUST Show Your Work with Austin Kleon



Summer is in full swing (or winter snow season for my southern friends) and you’re busy, I get it. That’s why this week I’m hooking you up with a powerhouse of short and sweet creative guidance from my man, Austin Kleon up on the podcast today. If you're not familiar with Austin's work, definitely check out some of his best-selling books like Steal Like An Artist and Show Your Work! Austin is a full spectrum mentor when it comes to harnessing creativity and this week we are chatting about the next important step in your creative process: sharing that work.  In this episode: * Sharing your work keeps you honest to yourself and to your audience. There is outer accountability baked in to the process of sharing your work which forces you to continue creating more work. * Sharing your work and sharing your process is the most authentic promotion of what you’re making. You are putting in the time to create the art.. Finish the job by hitting “publish”. * Community is a natural byproduct of sharing your work. If you