The Chase Jarvis Live Show

Hack Your Learning with Tim Ferriss



We’re now heading into almost 100 episodes of the podcast, that’s a crazy amount to learn from. So I figured there wasn't a better time to share a short convo I had with my good bud Tim Ferriss on his method for rapidly learning any skill. Tim’s got mad skills in breaking down big subjects and making them digestible which he does for us here, in all of his best selling books- 4 Hour Workweek, 4 Hour Body, 4 Hour Chef, Tools of Titans, and Tribe of Mentors- as well as on his podcast The Tim Ferriss Show. Hosting this podcast is one of my greatest joys. Of course I love to interact with the amazing guests we have on the show, but what gives me real joy is hearing how it has impacted you, the listener. So give this episode a listen and let me know how you’re putting it into practice. In this episode: * Tim has mastered the art of learning with four steps, acronymized as DSSS. Deconstructing the goal, Selecting where to focus your efforts to get the best results, Sequencing what order to approach tasks, and setti