The Chase Jarvis Live Show

Jealousy is the Enemy of Self-Worth



There are two things that I love sharing more than anything else. Margaritas and answers to your creative questions. I couldn’t figure out how to get margaritas into your ears this week, but we’ve got some fantastic questions from The Daily Creative (my YouTube show where I answer YOUR questions about the challenges you’re facing on your journey to become an aspiring or professional creative) and some of my favorite answers from the show. In this episode: * Ian wants to know how to transition from a traditional career to a “more risky” creative one. * Fritz is looking at how to stop trading his time for money and start scaling his photography business. I share four of my favorite methods for diversifying your creative income. * I talk to Brendan about how to kick social media jealousy to the curb with a few attitude shifts. These tips won’t just make you feel better, they’ll likely help you land more clients. * Eric asks one of my favorite questions; how to raise your rates. We talk about the mindset around b