The Chase Jarvis Live Show

Persevering through Failure with Melissa Arnot Reid



Melissa Arnot Reid is a mountain guide, speaker, and founder of the nonprofit organization, The Juniper Fund. She was the first American woman to summit and descent Mount Everest without supplemental oxygen and also holds the record for summiting the tallest peak in the world more times than any other western woman with a total of 6 ascents. She’s a certifiable bone crushing badass with a lot of life experience to share from her years of sacrificing for her passions.   In this episode, you’ll learn that it wasn’t the final, most strenuous 250 feet of summiting Everest that got Melissa to be the first female to summit and descent the highest peak in the world without supplemental oxygen. It was every single step since the first mountain she had ever stepped on that got her there. The key to summiting Everest is taking small steps towards your bigger goals. If you liked that metaphor, brace yourself for another 942 of them that will help you be bold, find what calls you, and dig deep to make it all happen. In t