The Chase Jarvis Live Show

Create Work That Lasts with Todd Henry



Todd Henry is a creator for creators. He makes tools and resources that help creatives succeed, personally and professionally. His four books, The Accidental Creative, Louder Than Words, Die Empty, and his newest Herding Tigers, cover all angles of succeeding as a creative; from finding your voice, to being creative on demand, to managing teams of creatives. He’s an arms dealer for the creative revolution. Whether you’re just starting a project and aren’t sure how to structure your days, weeks, and deliverables or you manage an entire team of creatives, Todd shares insights, tools, and tactics on how to ensure you cross the finish line being proud of the body of work you created. In today's episode, * If you want to be a creative who is prolific for years to come, then creating habits that prioritize your longevity as a creator is mission critical. * We are bad at judging our own work, so it’s important to surround yourself with people who will speak the truth. * You’ve got to be very intentional about planni