The Chase Jarvis Live Show

Scott Dadich: Gut, Heart, and Head Alignment



Scott Dadich is a designer, filmmaker and entrepreneur. He’s currently the co-CEO of Godfrey Dadich Partners, a design, content and strategy firm. Prior to that he worked at Conde Nast where he was the editor of Wired and helped Conde Nast build out their digital strategy including the tablet editions of their magazines (and if you remember when those came out, they were incredible products that were among the first things really felt tablet native). He’s also the creator of the amazing new Netflix series “Abstract: The Art Of Design”-- I’m sure a lot of you have already binge-watched it, and if you haven’t then do yourself a favor and check it out ASAP. Today on the podcast, * We talk about why you should listen to your instincts or as he says, to the voice inside. He’s got a great term for this which is finding “gut/head alignment.” I’m a big advocate of learning how to hear and trust your instincts and this has been my biggest asset in many ways. * He gets into the making of “Abstract,” the transition from