The Chase Jarvis Live Show

Elle Luna: Should vs Must



If you’ve ever asked yourself - as almost all of us have - “how can I find and follow my calling and my passion,” then you’re going to get a lot out of this conversation. Elle has a book describing her own search for an answer to this question which is called “The Crossroads of Should And Must” which explores the tension between the expectations that parents, friends, and culture put on us (what she calls “should”) and who we are and what we know to be true (what she calls “must”).  Today on the podcast, * She breaks work down into 3 categories: jobs, careers and callings. So many of us are stuck in one of the first 2, looking for a way to get to the 3rd. * Accountability comes up again - a common theme in a lot of these conversations as a really key part of the creative process, to help get us across the finish line and actually COMPLETE our ideas. For Elle, the key is attaching a human to it - she says “if someone I love is counting on me to deliver something, I won’t let them down.” * Another familiar them