Create If Writing - Authentic Platform Building For Writers & Bloggers

153- How to Promote Your Book with Newsletter Swaps



This post follows my post about publishing successfully on Amazon. Newsletter swaps have been hugely important in my success and this post will walk you through how to promote your book with newsletter swaps.  Find the full shownotes: Join the community:  Get my weekly email:   WHAT IS A NEWSLETTER SWAP AND WHY SHOULD YOU USE ONE? Newsletter swaps are an effective promotional tool where authors send their audience an email promoting another author's book, in exchange for that author promoting them in return. The trade doesn't always (or even usually) take place on the same exact day, but the authors set up the swap for when they have new releases, sales, or just a book they want to promote.  This is an effective marketing tool and a great way to network and build rapport within your niche and community. I'll continue to stand by email as a selling tool and when you can leverage the power of another person's