April Eight Songs & Stories

Ep 31 SONG: Season 4 Launch! "Gnomes Are Short"



Today we launch Season 4 of the April Eight Songs & Stories Podcast with a few special guests! The Which Witch is here and Gilbert Goblin stopped by to sing with me The Merry Gnomes Song - "Gnomes are Short” a fun song in the round and a fun podcast episode for your kids at bath time, bedtime, car time and family time. Hello my friends, and welcome to Season 4 of the April Eight Songs & Stories Podcast. Oh, I know, I have been away too, too long, but instead of writing stories I’ve been doing all sorts of things to make listening to my April Eight Songs and Stories podcast easier for you and your family. For one thing, I built a whole new website all by myself, which was a little harder than I expected. But it is done now, so go look at it and tell me what you think. It is still at aprileight.com - and that eight is always spelled out, e-i-g-h-t. http://www.aprileight.com Choose your reward and support this show at http://www.patreon.com/aprileight Alright, down to business. I have a silly song to sha