Tri-cities Influencer Podcast With Paul Casey

46. Tri-Cities Influencer Podcast featuring Will Wang



Richa Sigdel: The chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken. I'm Richa Sigdel and I am a Tri-City Influencer. Paul Casey: One definition of multitasking is messing up two things at once. I love that definition. Speaker 3: Raising the water level of leadership in the Tri-Cities of Eastern Washington, it's Tri-City Influencer Podcast. Welcome to the TCI podcast, where local leadership and self-leadership expert talk Paul Casey interviews local CEOs, entrepreneurs and nonprofit executives to hear how they lead themselves and their teams so we can all benefit from their wisdom and... Here's your host, Paul Casey of Growing Forward Services, coaching and equipping individuals and teams to spark breakthrough success. Paul Casey: Thanks for joining me for today's episode with Will Wang. He is the president of HFG and it's a financial company that I've been using for many years. My financial planner is Bob Lagonegro. Hi, Bob. Paul Casey: Hey, so I asked Will what is a funny story