Tri-cities Influencer Podcast With Paul Casey

36. Tri-Cities Influencer Podcast featuring Ana Ruiz



Cynthia Marquez:            Sometimes to begin a new story, you have to let the old one in. Author unknown. I am Cynthia Marquez and I am a Tri-Cities influencer. Paul Casey:                         Keep reinforcing that everyone must place the common good of the team above their own agenda. If one area wins, the whole team wins. Announcer:                        Raising the water level of leadership in the Tri-Cities of Eastern Washington, it's the Tri-Cities Influencer podcast. Welcome to the Tri-Cities Influencer podcast where Paul Casey interviews, local leaders like CEOs, entrepreneurs and nonprofit executives to hear how they lead themselves and their teams so that we can all benefit from their experiences. Announcer:                        Here's your host, Paul Casey of Growing Forward Services, coaching and equipping individuals and teams to spark breakthrough success. Paul Casey:                         Thanks for joining me for today's the episode with Ana Ruiz. She is the director of public rela