Tri-cities Influencer Podcast With Paul Casey

Carlos Martinez



Podcast 29  Carlos Martinez Carlos is the owner of Dura-Shine Clean. The funniest thing that Carlos did this year was sit by his pool in the middle of winter! They just bought a house and were anxiously waiting for summer!   His family moved here from Mexico in the late 60’s not knowing any English. He found himself being the interpreter for his parents. His parents encouraged him to stay in school so he wouldn’t have to work as hard as they had to. He loves math so much that he took some accounting courses. He always knew he would be an executive in business.  After being laid off from working for the State of Washington, he worked for another cleaning company. He and his mother both enjoyed the work, and that is how Dura-Shine was birthed.  Along the way he enlisted his friends as mentors who also had their own cleaning companies. He spent time with them learning hands-on. His mentor when he was with the state taught him how to be a professional and he has applied what he learned when growing his business.