Tri-cities Influencer Podcast With Paul Casey

25. Chris Lucas



Chris Lucas is the Vice President of Lucas Engineering and Management Services. A fun fact about Chris is that he is 3 rd generation Hanford worker. His grandfather was a security guard when they were building the site, and both his mother and father worked at the Hanford site. Chris worked at the site for 40 years before retiring. His first mentor out at the area was the man that hired him for his summer employment. He sat next to a gentleman on the bus heading back into town to close-out his seasonal employment, and when he did, human resources asked him if he would be interested in an operator job. When he went into the interview, it was the same gentleman that he sat next to on the bus that was doing the interview. He learned from this experience that finding out about people personally when hiring is very important. He believes that a good boss must be a good mentor. When you move up in positions in a company and get past the supervisor level, you are no longer managing the work, you are managing the peo