Tri-cities Influencer Podcast With Paul Casey

#16 Matt Kincaid



Matt is the managing partner of Blue Rudder. When asked what was his journey that lead him to where he is today, he says it was not a planned journey. Matt went off to college at Gonzaga where he got a couple degrees. He then went out into the business world where he bought, ran and sold a few businesses. It was then that he got an itch that he wanted to teach, so he went back to school to get his PHD in Leadership Studies. He came to teach here at Columbia Basin College for six years and went on to teach at Heritage University by Yakima where he has been there for three years. He has had a calling for leadership for the last 10-15 years. His advice about advanced degrees and education is do it while you are young. Being married now with three little kids, there are too many financial commitments and other distractions now! He would tell his 20-year-old self to find a good mentor. He has been very fortunate to have a few really great mentors. When you are 20 you feel like understand the world and that you hav