Tri-cities Influencer Podcast With Paul Casey

#11 Eric and Laura Hsu, Owners of Communication Hackers



Eric & Laura Hsu are Digital Marketing Empowerment Strategists. Their mission statement is We build digital marketing short cuts for businesses. How it guides our decision-making is that with everything we do, we ask ourselves Have we hacked this down enough to make it very easy? We create value for others by realizing entrepreneurs don’t have time and want the bottom line up front. What was the process when naming your business? We asked ourselves who really are and at the heart, we are communicators. Hacking is an en vogue work and means creating a shortcut. That’s how we came up the name Communication Hackers. Our focus is empowerment. When teaching small business owners, we use many checklists so that clients have exactly what steps they need to take. We also do instructional videos, screen captures, and a lot of communicating so that they know our brand as well. You can hack videos down with an app and a cell phone. While building their business Tim Ferris is their greatest mentor. The biggest game c