Ninja Jill Knows

Episode 80: Set yourself FREE



In Episode 80: Set yourself FREE, I dive into Why it's time to do WHAT YOU TRULY the big things and the little things. To assess your life and where you are at and determine how to do more of what you want. It's time to set yourself free from the actions that aren't working, from the stories that are limiting you and from the stuff that you just do because you've always done it even if it doesn't serve you anymore. Listen to the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episode on iTunes here. RESOURCES Episode 55: What do I want? Episode 32: You always have a choice Episode 23: Calling you out Subscribe to receive my weekly emails for ways to strategize and create the life that you truly want. Ready to take it to the NEXT LEVEL? Here's your access to online programs designed specifically to help you create the life you truly want. I would love for you join us in my FREE Facebook group LIFE MAKERS here.  Like the Ninja Jill KNOWS Facebook page for daily strategic inspiration. This podcast is inspired by those podca