Medicine On Call With Dr. Elaina George

Digital Detox and the Importance of Mindfully Disconnecting



Mr. Brandon LaGreca, LAc, MAcOM, a licensed acupuncturist, author, speaker, and holistic medical practitioner discusses the importance of digital detox for physical, mental and spiritual rejuvenation. Brandon shares about his own personal experience with cancer. Back in 2015, he was diagnosed with stage 4 non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. He achieved full remission eight months later by following an integrative medicine protocol that included immunotherapy without the use of chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery. As a result, Brandon created his Empowered Patient Blog to share his experience growing stronger through and beyond cancer. There is an increasing amount of patients he has seen over the last year with elevated stress levels. This stress is overwhelmingly the result of fear and the overuse of digital devices and social media. He offers some simple solutions and ways to measure the overuse of electronics.  He is a 2005 graduate of the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine, a licensed acupuncturist in the state of W