Medicine On Call With Dr. Elaina George

The Power of Prayer



Dr. Patricia Burgess the director of Global Health Outreach for the Christian Medical and Dental Association discusses the power of prayer in our modern world. She expresses the importance of remaining faithful even when you’re fearful and placing your ultimate trust in God. She also emphasizes that you need to practice prayer, like training a muscle, but with humility. Patricia “Trish” Burgess, MD, joined CMDA as the Global Health Outreach Director in 2018. Trish went to the University of Georgia for her undergraduate degree where she met her husband. She took two years off before attending medical school and worked as a firefighter in Athens, Georgia during this time. She attended the Medical College of Georgia and did her residency in emergency medicine at the University of Missouri in Kansas City. Dr. Burgess felt the call to short-term missions early in her career. Her first mission trip was to Nicaragua. During this trip, she felt Him clearly telling her this was the reason He had created her, and His p