Medicine On Call With Dr. Elaina George

Preparing for Social & Financial Crisis



Dunagun Kaiser, the CEO and founder of Liberty and Finance LLC joins Dr. George to discuss the importance of being prepared for a collapse of society and/or financial crisis both physically & monetarily. In addition, this episode outlines the real world important steps you and your family can take now to  prepare for these uncertain times of COVID and political polarization which is intent on the wholesale remaking of human life on the planet using their “Great Reset” one world order. Liberty and Finance LLC Founder and CEO, Dunagun Kaiser, built a 35+ year engineering career with Fortune 100 companies solving challenges in extreme material handling, industrial automation, and applied physical sciences. He has hosted the Liberty and Finance / Reluctant Preppers channels since 2013, where he brings together leading experts from the fields of precious metals, mining, finance, constitutional liberty, and preparedness, to benefit a growing audience of over 46,000 passionate subscribers who have amassed over 8