Medicine On Call With Dr. Elaina George

Is Mail In Voting A Tool to Enrich Or Disenfranchise Citizens?



Mr. Matthew Vadum, author, award-winning investigative journalist, producer, and contributor to the Epoch Times joins Dr. George on this week’s episode of Living in the Solution to discuss what mail in voting means for the integrity of our elections. He gives the listener his take on what mail in voting is as well as what it is not, and whether it is being used as a tool for democracy or a means to manipulate an election by disenfranchising citizens. He is an Adjunct Scholar at the James Madison Institute. Mr. Vadum has appeared on “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart,” “CBS Evening News with Katie Couric,” “The O’Reilly Factor,” “Your World with Neil Cavuto,” “The Laura Ingraham Show,” “The Michael Reagan Show,” “The Roger Hedgecock Show,” and was a regular guest on “The G. Gordon Liddy Show.” Vadum has been published in the Washington Times, Boston Herald, Las Vegas Review-Journal, American Spectator, National Review, Human Events, Townhall, and by Breitbart News. Matthew Vadum Website -