Medicine On Call With Dr. Elaina George

Deuterium Depletion in Water to Aid Digestion



Steven Sedlmayer started in aerospace at the age of just 16 years-old working for Martin Marietta and was the youngest National Science Foundation recipient for a climate change study in Arctic and Alpine Weather. He attended the Colorado School of Mines and University of Colorado, where he studied theoretical Mathematics, computers, electronics, and geo-physics. Upon graduation from university, Mr. Sedlmayr began working for NASA in perfecting cameras and lenses used on the Mars rover lander so as to creat a display of over 1-million pixels, which eventually led to the creation of the flat screen TV now ubiquitous in our society. Steven has been an expert & consultant for the Walt Disney corporation, Lemelson patent defense, The Pentagon, various military contractors, and Christie Projectors. He invented and patented a laser projector before building and selling the company. Over the past 20 years, he has been working on making the world a better place through technology, specifically by means of water p