Medicine On Call With Dr. Elaina George

Is A Debt Jubilee On The Horizon Following COVID-19 Bailouts?



Lynette Zang, Chief Marketing Analyst at ITM Trading joins Dr. George to discuss the consequences of decade long bailouts following the Housing Bubble collapse and now the COVID-19 crisis. Lynette feels the chicanery and the inevitable economic reset, as well as the concept of a debt jubilee. Lynette says it is her mission in life to educate people on how to survive and thrive during economic collapse scenarios so individuals can “protect their future, freedom, & Legacy.”  Lynette Zang has held the position of Chief Market Analyst at ITM Trading since 2002. She has been involved in markets on some level since 1964. She has worked as a banker, a stockbroker and has studied world currencies in-depth since 1987. Her goal is to translate financial noise into understandable language and enable educated, independent choices for individuals. All of Lynette’s work is fact and evidence based and she freely shares her research and experience openly both on her website and YouTube Channel. Further, Lynette believes