Nourish Podcast With Kim Bakaev

EP 75 EMILY P. FREEMAN "The Next Right Thing"



For my 75th show, I'm thrilled to share my conversation with Wall Street Journal bestselling author and podcaster, Emily P. Freeman.  She has been a tremendous creative and spiritual influence on me, a mentor who has helped birth this very podcast. Emily's goal is to help "create space for our souls to breathe."  Through her podcast, "The Next Right Thing," and her upcoming book with the same name, she provides reassuring direction in a wise and soothing way for all who face decisions of every kind.   She's one of my favorite people and I know she'll quickly become one of yours.  Subscribe to her podcast, "The Next Right Thing" and get her book.  When you pre-order before April 2, she's got some fantastic special bonuses for you, including the audio version of the book and an online course! To get more of all things Emily go to or on Instagram @emilypfreeman. To learn more about the book and to take the decision-making quiz, go to And, finally, to learn about