Nourish Podcast With Kim Bakaev

EPISODE 45 MYRA GOLDEN "Motherhood, Entrepreneurship and Being Present"



The NOURISH Podcast with Kim Bakaev is one year old this week!  Thank you to everyone for your support and encouragement.  I've appreciated your feedback, reviews and subscriptions.  To thank you for faithfully listening, I'm doing a giveaway of some of my favorite things, including a $25 Amazon giftcard.  To enter, just subscribe to the podcast on Spotify, iTunes, Apple podcasts or stitcher and leave a review.  Screen shot it and enter it in the comments on my facebook page or email me at  If you've already subscribed or left a comment, just screen shot it and send it to me!  Thank you so much!!  I'll draw a winner in a couple of weeks! I'm excited to bring you a conversation with Myra Golden today to celebrate my anniversary.  Myra is an amazing renaissance woman--wife, mother of two, business owner, speaker, photographer and avid reader.  She has owned her customer service training business for 18 years, and works with Fortune 500 companies like McDonald's, Coca-Cola, and Vera Bradley.