
PlanningxChange 76 with Brian ('Harry') Haratsis and Max Shifman



In PlanningxChange Episode 76, Jess Noonan and Peter Jewell interview Brian (‘Harry’) Haratsis and Max Shifman about the many consequences of Covid on how we work, where we live and on our economic and social circumstances. Brian Haratsis is highly regarded as one of Australia’s foremost strategic advisors – with a particular focus on private sector property involvement, understanding communities, tourism and social trends – Brian has more than 30 plus years experience as an economist, futurist, and strategic planner. He is a best-selling author, futurist, thought leader and is regarded by corporate Australia as the leading economic and strategic advisor operating in the property sector locally and internationally. Brian established MacroPlan Australia in 1985 and has been devoted to his loyal client base through the delivery of effective business and property strategy, precise forecasting of niche trends, successful facilitation of strategic outcomes and successful delivery of major projects / policies. Max